Spring Storms: Sudden and Severe

Most of us look forward to spring each year. Longer days, milder temperatures and nature’s blooms put us in a better frame of mind. There is, however, a darker side, because spring’s emerging warmer air and the remaining colder atmosphere of winter often collide, with dangerous results.

Throughout North America, spring weather patterns produce a broader array of storms than any other season of the year. Severe spring storms with hail and lightning, tornadoes and flash floods, rip currents along the seashore, an occasional tsunami and quick bursts of heat all produce dangers that should never be treated lightly. The seven suggestions that follow will enable you to be ‘weather aware,’ knowing in advance when to be on notice for a severe weather event and, most important, what to do when such an event occurs.

  1. Start the day by checking the weather forecast. Weather services are usually on top of conditions that suggest severe weather is imminent.
  2. Have a previously prepared communications plan for family members and friends. Establish predetermined meeting places and have sufficient food and water supplies on hand for as much as three days.
  3. Share your weather-ready stories on social media with the hashtag #SpringSafety. You can post photos of your emergency supplies kit and let friends know how to reach you during emergencies.
  4. Turn around and away from rushing water. We all think ‘it can’t happen to me,’ but flash flooding is the number one killer associated with severe weather. As little as 15 cm of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult; 30 cm of rushing water will carry away a small car; 60 cm of rushing water can carry away almost any vehicle.
  5. Lightning strikes the United States as many as 25 million times a year. Although most lightning occurs in the summer, people can be struck at any time of year.
  6. Heat is a leading weather-related killer, and hundreds of deaths occur each year throughout North America. During a heat wave, avoid strenuous outdoor activities until the coolest time of the day, drink plenty of water, and spend time in locations with air conditioning.
  7. Pay attention to your smartphone alerts. Enable your smartphone to receive weather alerts.

Please don’t hesitate to pass these weather-safe suggestions on to your customers and, of course, make use of them yourself. When property is damaged due to severe weather, a call to your local Paul Davis office will bring professional assistance 24/7 to mitigate damage and start restoration work. You can always count on Paul Davis technicians. This Is No Time For Second Best™.