The Dangers of DIY Mould Removal

A simple Google search for “DIY mould removal” will result in a flurry of advice columns, tips, and tricks on how to rid your home of mould. Although these instructions may look effective, mould removal projects without professional guidance can pose a serious health risk to you and your family.

As mould remediation experts, we highly recommend you hire a professional instead of tackling a DIY mould removal project. Here are some of the dangers of trying to get rid of the issue on your own:

Improper Equipment
Professionals arrive with proper air filtration devices, ventilation systems, respirators, and cleaning products to rid mould in the affected section of your home—without endangering other rooms. With a DIY job, you risk contaminating other parts of your home, and exposing yourself to dangerous mould spores. Once mould is found, professionals remove all materials affected by mould and apply an antimicrobial to prevent future mould growth.

Incomplete Job
Just because the visible mould is gone does not mean that the issue is resolved. Mould remediation specialists are trained to find and track all traces of mould, visible or “invisible.” You may not know it, but what looks like a small mould problem in the corner of a windowsill can really be a widespread infestation, spanning across your home behind the wallpaper. With work from a professional, you can rest assured that the mould problem—in its entirety—will be resolved.

Allergic Reactions
Mould can be dangerous. Once released into the air, toxic mould spores can cause intense physiological symptoms, like a rash, coughing, sneezing, watery and red eyes, dry skin, and a runny nose. Without the proper gear and clothing, you risk putting yourself and your family in harm’s way.

Time Consuming
Doing a mould removal job properly takes time, patience, and requires keen attention to detail. Rushing through a mould removal only increases the chances of missing a hidden area of mould or a particularly moist area—the perfect breeding ground for future mould growth.

Failure to Recognize a Bigger Problem
Mould thrives in wet, warm, and dark places. Often, particularly large mould infestations are signs of a bigger problem. Excessive moisture in certain areas of your home can be due to leaks, poor ventilation, and overly humid air. Professionals can detect these potential issues and stop them in their tracks, before they turn into a much worse, much more expensive problem.

Places Where Mould is Commonly Found:
•Caulking and windowsills
•Cabinets and furniture
•Under carpeting
•Behind wallpaper or painted walls
•Water-damaged furniture or mattresses
•Drywall and subflooring
•HVAC closets

At Paul Davis, we provide one of the best mould remediation services in Canada. If you have a mould problem in your home, get in touch with our professionals today.