Taking Time to Organise Your Life Treasures

There never seems to be enough time to gather a record of all our important household belongings. But if you’ve ever had the bad experience of losing some or all of your life treasures, you’ll never overlook that important task again. There are two ways to inventory your household belongings, a written record or a video record. The smart move is to have both. First, take your smart phone and video your home room by room as you speak into the recording. Explain the room you’re in, what you are videotaping and any details you can think of to explain its importance or heritage. Open closets and drawers as you go to record the belongings on your video. Next, review the video and prepare a written inventory of your household belongings, their cost or value and how you acquired them. Both the video and the inventory list should be safely stored - a safe deposit box, the Cloud, or a safely stored thumbdrive should do the trick. Now you’re protected financially should you lose belongings to theft, fire or some other damaging occurrence. It’s critical to keep your homeowner policy and any necessary supplemental policies in effect and paid on time. By doing this, you can feel secure knowing that your household content inventory is up to date and ready, should it someday be needed. This link will allow you to download an inventory guide sheet to list your Life Treasures. http://bit.ly/2oRj9oW

Paul Davis restores all types of personal property - clothing, documents, draperies and furniture, artwork, electronics and more. Rest assured that household goods and business property restoration services and content handling are a key specialty of Paul Davis’ full spectrum of property damage services. Our recovery cleaners are trained to save your valuable possessions whenever possible. No matter whether their value is monetary or sentimental, what’s important to you is important to us. Paul Davis utilizes the latest contents cleaning technology, which allows us to save many of these items that were thrown away in the past. We will work tirelessly to save these items, because we understand exactly how much they mean to you.