Tag: fire damage

Frightening, Disorientating Home Fires – Smart Steps To Take Post-Fire

Almonds, the Smith’s daughter discovered, burn briskly in toaster ovens when overheated. Busy elsewhere in the kitchen, she didn’t notice the flare-up until she smelled smoke. By then, the cabinets were scorching. Panicked yelling summoned mom, who rapidly quenched the flames with a fire extinguisher. Whew, disaster averted.  The Smiths… Read more »

New Home Construction Presents New Fire Hazards

Forty years ago, experts estimated that occupants had 17 minutes to escape a house fire. That timeframe is frighteningly short in today’s newer homes: three minutes. Research suggests that new homes burn up to eight times faster than legacy construction. We spoke with Jason Blair, Owner, Paul Davis Restoration Sud… Read more »

Paul Davis Restoration Performs Quickly, Especially Following Wildfires

Paul Davis Restoration companies throughout Canada have come to expect great demand for post-wildfires cleanups during fire seasons. During 2023, that season lasted long and was widespread. Caused by lightning, careless camping habits,  a powerline spark or a smoldering trash fire, then fueled by drought conditions and severe winds, wildfires… Read more »