Tag: Fire prevention

Avoiding Dangerous Furnace Puff-Backs

In Victorian times, spring cleaning became necessary because coal dust and oily grime settled indoors during the winter heating season. Surprisingly, there are still reasons why dirty, dark layers sully our modern interiors: furnace puff-backs. Their cute name belies the damage they cause. Puff-backs can happen with oil and gas… Read more »

What To Do When Fireplace Smoke Invades

Chimneys look so simple – a vertical conduit that funnels smoke and heat from your fireplace to the outdoors – but they require precision to function properly. Chimneys must be carefully designed, skillfully installed and regularly maintained to do what seems like an easy task. Most quietly work well. But… Read more »

Fire Prevention Week – A Tradition Since 1922

In Chicago, October 8, 1871, all was quiet as a warm fall day deepened into evening. Noise, hubbub and alarms rose at 8:30 pm, when the Great Chicago Fire started as a small flame licking straw in the O’Leary barn. Fed by dry, windy weather and wooden structures, the fire… Read more »