Tag: home maintenance tips

Set Your AC Right to Avoid Mould in Summer Months

Classic snowbirds, the Andersons summer in northern climes and winter in the balmy south. But they spent this past winter rehabbing their sunny abode instead of relaxing and recharging. “Mould grew – on walls, furniture, even inside cabinets - while they were in Canada for the summer,” explains Peter Heary,… Read more »

How to Know When Your Home Needs More Electrical Capacity

“Do you live in a house that’s older than 20 years?” asks John Stoker, President, Paul Davis Restoration Central Nova Scotia. “If so, your electricity needs have almost certainly outgrown your residential electrical system, creating serious fire hazards on your property.” Electrical needs have grown exponentially since 1950: modern homes… Read more »

Sump Pump Maintenance - A Good Idea Often Overlooked

The number one reason why sump pumps fail is perfectly understandable when you factor in imperfect human nature. “It’s user error,” says Travis Byrnes, Owner and General Manager of Paul Davis of West Michigan. “People unplug them. They use the outlet for something else, then forget to plug them back… Read more »

Avoiding Dangerous Furnace Puff-Backs

In Victorian times, spring cleaning became necessary because coal dust and oily grime settled indoors during the winter heating season. Surprisingly, there are still reasons why dirty, dark layers sully our modern interiors: furnace puff-backs. Their cute name belies the damage they cause. Puff-backs can happen with oil and gas… Read more »