Tag: water damage

Get Smart About Pipe Burst Protection

When the temperature outside plummets, our homes shield us from the elements. Many essential house components endure plunging thermometers without blinking and without much help from us, save for routine maintenance: roofs, siding, doors. But savvy homeowners realize that some systems demand assistance on very cold days: water supply pipes… Read more »

Never Take Chances When You See Water Spots in Your Home

When water leaks in a home, its behaviour can be hard to predict. “Roof leaks, for example, are notoriously tricky to trace back to their source,” says Andrew Golkin, President, Paul Davis of Suburban Virginia. “The water could be entering at the northwest corner of the second floor while the… Read more »

Sudden Water Damage Poses Multiple Headaches for Homeowners

The Smith’s holiday celebration was warm and delightful, featuring visiting family and friends, a delicious spread of festive foods and a lively touch football contest. Marring the occasion: the sound of splashing water coming from the basement that evening. Which Mr. Smith found was a blocked sewage pipe overflowing onto… Read more »