Tag: storm safety tips

Better Protect Your Business Property During Spring Storms

Spring, that most promising of seasons, is in truth a roaring battle between cold and warm air. The ground heats while chillier air rushes high aloft. Temperature instability shifts air masses quickly, blowing up perfect storm conditions. So, in supposedly balmy spring, violence often arrives instead with blinding snowstorms, extreme… Read more »

When Lightning Strikes Your Home

The thunderous lightning crack temporarily deafened the Andersons. Plunged into darkness as the power failed, the shocked couple rushed upstairs to check on their children. Family members were frightened but unharmed. Their house, on the other hand? It needed an immediate hand from Paul Davis: shingles littered the lawn and… Read more »

When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors. See a Flash? Dash Inside.

Lightning strikes may be rare, but they still happen, and the risk of injury or death is severe. You can beat the odds and protect yourself, your loved ones, and your clients during a thunderstorm by following these safety tips from Paul Davis. Safety precautions outdoors • Seek shelter in… Read more »