
Paul Davis Northwest New Brunswick is Open and Operating

New Owner Sylvie Levesque is a pioneering businesswoman as the first and only woman to be the sole owner of a Paul Davis franchise in the Maritime Provinces. Additionally, she is one of only two females who have 100 percent ownership of Paul Davis franchises in Canada among 60 offices throughout the country owned by men, couples and families.… Read more »

Paul Davis Boosts Local Community Charitable Efforts

Paul Davis contributes to communities in many different ways, not only helping neighbours recover from disasters large and small but also pitching in to support charity with people, time and funding. These are just a few of the many causes that we were privileged to assist as they pursue worthy… Read more »

Seven Great Ways to Defend Against Ice Dams in Winter

For property owners in Canada, indoor water damage stemming from the roof is a bigger threat after winter snows than summer thunderstorms. The frigid problem starts with ice dams: the roof melts snow, water flows down to the colder eaves and refreezes there. As this cycle repeats, ice accumulates in… Read more »